SLOW FLOW Join us for a 45-minute slower-paced yoga practice, with a focus on steady and mindful movement. This class will include some dynamic postures as well as longer holds, and helps to ease tension through the body and mind with Renee Noa Harris, on the rooftop overlooking Beverly Hills. Slow Flow is the perfect way to calm your body and mind, to reduce stress and anxiety and help increase focus and clarity. You do not need any prior experience to join this class. It will benefit anyone who attends. Come dressed in comfortable clothes and bring a yoga matt and blanket or sweater for maximum comfort .

Day: Friday, 28th January
Time: 10am - 10.45am
Equipment:  Bring a yoga matt or blanket
Outfit:  Wear comfortable clothes
Location: 4th Floor, Spring Place Beverly Hills
Parking: Free self parking in our garage
RSVP: No rsvp needed. Members can bring three friends

About Renee:
Renee Noa Harris is an Australian Yoga and Meditation Teacher  who has been teaching around the world and recently settled in California. Following a broad career in international business Renee shifted her trajectory, traveling the world to study extensively with her mentors and some of the industry’s most renowned teachers, including Baron Baptiste, Schuyler Grant, Annie Carpenter, and Dr. Itai Ivtzan. Learn more here